Déjà vu in loyalist Belfast

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 25 June 2010 00:24.

In loyalist Belfast there are signs of a different kind of fight against the drive for a multiracial utopia.  You will remember the Roma physically forced out a year ago.  Well, the attacks on immigrants are, it seems, continuing.  From a Guardian article by a self-described black, self-confessed IRA terrorist turned journalist, who served a seven year sentence for possession of weapons:

The latest race attacks in Northern Ireland are as depressing as they are predictable. Isolated families in loyalist areas having their homes ransacked, their belongings destroyed and their lives threatened is a phenomenon now occurring with sickening regularity.

In the latest incidents, a mob attacked two homes in the loyalist Village area of south Belfast and in Whiteabbey, cars belonging to Filipino and Indian families were burned. The attacks come a year after a hundred Roma people were forced to flee Northern Ireland after racist petrol bombings, also in south Belfast.

... Northern Ireland is changing, slowly. Two major factors have been responsible: the first was the IRA ceasefire in 1994, and the second was the influx of EU citizens, especially from the accession states such as Poland. Foreign nationals from the Philippines, west Africa and elsewhere also arrived here in numbers for work or to study.

The rate of change has been alarming for some people and some communities including, in particular, the working-class loyalist communities in greater Belfast. The middle-class and economically active Protestants have fled to the satellite towns around the city, vacating houses in the process. Migrants, especially Poles, have filled these homes, leaving an ill-equipped, under-resourced Protestant community feeling abandoned.

It was only a matter of time before someone lashed out and, as ever, ethnic minorities make easy scapegoats. It feels like it’s only a matter of time before someone gets killed. The BNP has been recruiting disaffected young loyalists who, in previous years, might have joined the UDA or UVF to attack nationalists. Many suspect that loyalists either orchestrate or acquiesce in many of the attacks.

Education and political leadership are needed to address the racists. In a recent TV interview, the presenter asked me if Irish people needed to show a little more “tolerance” to migrants and blacks in their midst. My response was unapologetic: “I’m not here to be tolerated.”

So the recogniseable elements are all here.  “Some” among Belfast’s working class loyalists (whom, naturally, no one has had the political courage or integrity to consult) are “alarmed” at the “rate of change”.  The immigrants, meanwhile, “make easy scapegoats” for “the racists”.  And what a neat transition into blame mode that is!  That it’s wrong to coerce Belfast folk into accomodating foreigners never enters the writer’s ethnic head.  We are told that education and leadership will “address the racists”.  Well, there are some very hard, very uncompromising, very organised groups in loyalist Belfast.  They stood their ground against the IRA not for years but for decades, and were in no wise less lethal or remorseless.  The question is: are some of them standing again now?  The answer probably depends on whether they possess a political understanding of the war against European existence as nuanced as the one they acquired of The Troubles.  Simple xenophobia wouldn’t have the legs to fuel a long war against the MultiCult.

This is one story to keep an eye on.

Not much ado about anything

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 24 June 2010 00:27.

I paid a return visit to the BNP section of British Democracy Forum today.  This section, with the Griffin-hating Nationalists Online and its antithesis, the nauseatingly loyal Home of the Green Arrow, is the mainstay of British Nationalist chatter on the net.

What I found on my visit to BDF today was a thread titled Definition of britishness? - your aims & goals which had been begun on 1st May by a lady named Valentina (whoops, Katerina).  She turns out to be an inquisitive Jew, which hardly surprised given that she served up a picture of British Nationalism as Nazism with, of course, a heavy helping of Holosauce on the side.  On page 8 of the thread I offered a novel corrective (using the name of a character from a treasured British film comedy of my childhood).

I wish I could say that the result was a passionate and dangerous, liberating exploration of the issue of ownership of discourse.  But no matter how I spelt it out, neither British nor Jewish Nationalist would take up the challenge.  All that happened, basically, was that the owner of BDF advised me through the in-house mail system:

You have received an infraction at British Democracy Forum.

Reason: Signature Rule Violation

The offence was “dragging threads off topic with your tedious Jew bashing.”

I wonder, sometimes, whether even nationalists (or nominal nationalists, at any rate) are too insensate to their own captivity to recognise the distant, weak light of freedom.

Captain! There are doubts…

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 19 June 2010 21:58.

by Cladrastis

There is an ongoing debate regarding how WE might regain the reigns of power – how we might take the captaincy of the vessel, so to speak. We all know the problem – the intoxicated captain (whose name is “He Who Wrestles with God” or Jacob) is steering us directly into an iceberg. Under Jacob’s captaincy, the ship has been neglected; our vessel is already taking on water, and the boilers are running out of steam (not to mention the problem of the exploding rat population). What good will it do us to usurp Jacob’s power if the ship is no longer seaworthy?


Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of Jews

Posted by Guest Blogger on Friday, 18 June 2010 15:22.

by Alexander Baron

Occasionally in my life I have experienced a revealed truth, usually nothing very profound. In January 1986, I experienced one which led me to renounce alcohol, literally there and then. On April 23, 2010, I experienced another one.

I was doing some shopping in Sydenham, and called in at the Iranian store on the way home; one of the things I wanted to buy was a packet of noodles; I’d bought one there the previous day, but couldn’t find it in the kitchen, so figured I must have left it in the store. This was indeed the case, because the old guy who served me pointed this out, and as he bagged up the replacement with my loaf of bread told me to get another packet and he’d only charge me for the one.

Okay, it’s only a little thing, not even half a quid, but he didn’t have to bother. I looked at him, he was somewhat older than me, and unlike me, almost certainly not childless. I thought he must have grandkids, probably living in Iran. Then I thought of this man, below. Looks uphappy, doesn’t he? Wanna know why he looks so unhappy?


The Show Must NOT Go On

Posted by Guest Blogger on Thursday, 17 June 2010 16:58.

by I. Bismuth

As an academic at the forefront of social and cultural transformation I like to keep abreast of the latest developments in the visual arts, and I am a regular visitor to the Shooting Gallery, an exciting little space not far from the university. It presents a new exhibition of contemporary works every couple of months. I never trouble to find out beforehand what I am going to see, being confident I can rely on the gallery’s board of trustees to keep pushing the boundaries of artistic expression, but always the same boundaries and always in the same direction. That, at any rate, was my fond belief. So last week, when I picked up the catalogue and entered the main room, I was totally unprepared for the experience I was about to undergo.

The first thing with which I was confronted was a full-length standing nude, a female with pearly skin, not an over-eater, not a starveling, and with no obvious abnormalities, amputations or signs of substance abuse. The painting was beautiful. There was proportion, order, balance, harmony, rhythm, and unity, for God’s sake. The model was beautiful, too. There was the blueness of her left eye and there was the blueness her right eye, and, as if that were not enough, there was the blackness of her hair, the same hair, mind you, that reached down to caress the whiteness of her shoulders, damn them. What was going on here? I was in the Shooting Gallery ... the same Shooting Gallery. I could not be seeing what I thought I was seeing.


The Real Problem with Keynes

Posted by James Bowery on Thursday, 17 June 2010 06:00.

Reading Keynes’ critique of Gesell the key intellectual failing of Keynes’ entire body of work is best exemplified in this concluding remark:

“Thus if currency notes were to be deprived of their liquidity-premium by the stamping system, a long series of substitutes would step into their shoes — bank-money, debts at call, foreign money, jewellery and the precious metals generally, and so forth.”

If Keynes had merely taken one more step beyond Gesell (and himself) to identify in-place liquidation value of net assets as the tax base (or, if one prefers, one can call it the “demurrage base”) he would have escaped the profound irony embodied in his initial observation of Gesell:

“..whose work contains flashes of deep insight and who only just failed to reach down to the essence of the matter.”

The meaning of the word “great” in a “black” context

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 15 June 2010 17:07.

by Alexander Baron

Recently, while doing some totally non-controversial research into contemporary music, I happened upon a website called 100GreatBlackBritons; I was led there by the name Phil Lynott. I was surprised to find his name on this site, because although I knew he was born in Britain, I have never regarded him as great in that context. I have been a Thin Lizzy fan since I first heard Whiskey In The Jar way back in the early 1970s, and have studied no less than three biographies of the man.

Phil Lynott was one of a kind, along with Rory Gallagher he is unarguably the most influential figure in Irish rock music. Thin Lizzy hailed from Dublin, and Lynott himself often claimed to be Irish born and bred. In March 1973, articles in Melody Maker and New Musical Express said he was born at Dublin and in the Irish Republic respectively; the former gave his date of birth as August 20 1951. In fact, Philip Parris Lynott was born in the Hallam Hospital, West Bromwich, the illegitimate son of an Irish Catholic teenager and a Negro civil servant. Although black, or technically half-black, he was totally assimilated, paying only lip service to his Negroid roots by writing a mere handful of songs with racial themes, mostly early on in his career. In his personal as well as his musical life he was surrounded by white people, and was totally accepted by them as he grew up between Manchester and Dublin. It is doubtful if he ever experienced racism, even if such an entity existed.

Although renouncing his British identity, Lynott was not in any way ashamed of it; he identified with Ireland for mystical reasons, primarily his fascination with Irish history and legend, which is reflected in many of his songs. This romanticising flowed over into his personal life; he liked to claim his father was a Brazilian seaman, but in January 1976, after rising star Phil and his band were featured in the popular weekly Titbits, Cecil Parris materialised. Rather than a character from an Errol Flynn film, he appears to have been more like Del Boy out of Only Fools And Horses. They did not meet again.

Phil Lynott was the archetypal rock star – live fast, die young. He succumbed to septicemia and multiple organ failure in January 1986, the result of his addiction to heroin. Although not the greatest bass player in the world, he was a competent rock musician, but his true strength was as a writer/composer. A lot of his songs, even the more commercially oriented, have deeper meanings, and to call him the High Poet of Irish Rock is no exaggeration. But was he a great man?


Will civicism do for Flemish Separatism what ethno-nationalism could not?

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 13 June 2010 22:11.

From the Telegraph:

Separatists win Flanders region in Belgian elections
Belgium’s future as a unified federal state was in doubt last night after a national election landslide for Flemish separatists in the Dutch-speaking north of the country

Early results put the nationalist New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) on an unprecedented 29 per cent of the vote in Flanders, catapulting separatists to the forefront of Belgian politics.

French speaking Socialists on the opposite end of the political spectrum to the right-wing N-VA, both on the question of Belgium and on economic policy, were the largest party, on 36 per cent, in Wallonia, which has a smaller number of voters than Flanders, as well as Brussels, the country’s only officially bilingual area.

Bart De Wever, the N-VA’s leader, may have won a historic number of votes, however he is unlikely to be asked by Belgium’s King Albert II to form a Federal government.
Instead, Elio Di Rupo, the Walloon Socialist leader, is expected to become the first French-speaking Prime Minister since 1974 at the head of an uneasy alliance of five federalist parties.

Following the election, the Dutch-speaking Flemish and francophone Walloon communities have never been more divided since they were welded together in an unhappy Belgian union in 1830.

The rise of mainstream Flemish nationalism, with the N-VA on course to become the country’s largest party, is unprecedented in Belgium’s 180 year history and will lead to a protracted political deadlock as the divided country tries to form a coalition government.

“It is a true earthquake,” said Mark Eyskens, a former Belgian Prime Minister and a Flemish Christian Democrat.

The N-VA vote will have more than doubled since the 2007 election.  Vlaams Belang, on the other hand, won 11.99% of the Flemish vote in 2007, a performance which dipped to 9.87% in the 2009 European Parliament election.  I cannot find their figure for today’s poll, but it must have been hit by the N-VA’s success.  If so, that would be clear evidence that where an electorate like the Flemish (or the Scots or the Welsh) defines itself through grievances against an ancient neighbour the racial issues which exercise ethno-nationalism cannot come to the fore.  That would beg the perennial question, of course, whether those issues can ever come to the fore.

Perhaps the best that ethno-nationalists in Flanders can hope for is that civicism will deliver separation and facilitate a redefining of the national conversation.  Out of that an opportunity to raise the larger questions may arise.

In any event, tonight the Belgian marriage looks more certain to end in divorce than ever.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 10:32. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Viktor Orbán Arrested' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 10:24. (View)

tośka commented in entry 'Viktor Orbán Arrested' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 10:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:40. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 07:03. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 06:38. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:55. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Tue, 19 Sep 2023 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Tue, 19 Sep 2023 06:59. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Mon, 18 Sep 2023 22:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Mon, 18 Sep 2023 06:39. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 22:39. (View)

Richard Yorke commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 16:44. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 10:48. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 05:41. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 04:52. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sun, 17 Sep 2023 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sat, 16 Sep 2023 23:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sat, 16 Sep 2023 16:05. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sat, 16 Sep 2023 11:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Sat, 16 Sep 2023 08:25. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 20:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 11:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 08:05. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 00:51. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 00:49. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Fri, 15 Sep 2023 00:24. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 19:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Richard Lynn' on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 17:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Out of foundation and into the mind-body problem, part three' on Thu, 14 Sep 2023 06:35. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Richard Lynn' on Wed, 13 Sep 2023 23:16. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A couple of exchanges on the nature and meaning of Christianity's origin' on Wed, 13 Sep 2023 08:35. (View)

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